1. Can you tell us a little bit about the objectives and aims of your AIEdu project?
“Our AIEdu project is all about empowering educators to navigate the increasingly complex landscape of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in education. We’ve drawn inspiration from the digital citizenship education model developed by the Council of Europe, as well as their Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture. These frameworks provide a solid foundation for our project, which is primarily aimed at educators in both formal and non-formal settings, especially those who are relatively young in their careers (under 35). Our goal is to equip educators with the skills and understanding necessary to utilize technology in a responsible and respectful manner within their teaching practice. This involves teaching them about media literacy and the importance of relying on credible digital sources. Ultimately, we want educators to feel confident in their ability to nurture students’ digital skills and AI competencies, all while upholding human rights and promoting inclusion in today’s digital world.”
2. To your understanding, what are responsible and respectful ways to use AI as part of educators’ work? How can AI foster democratic culture?
“AI brings both opportunities and challenges to education. To use it responsibly and respectfully, we must prioritize equal access to information and combat biases in AI. Adopting a human-centred approach means using AI to enhance learning experiences and foster social cohesion within the educational community. This involves promoting democratic values such as democracy, social justice, and tolerance. To foster a democratic culture with AI, we need open dialogue and equal access to information for all.“
3. What trends do you predict for the future incorporation of AI into our educational systems?
“Digital technologies have already become an integral part of our everyday life and have greatly influenced the way we act and behave; how we seek and approach knowledge, how we behave and communicate with others, as well as how we manage all the information we receive. From the daily use of our smartphones to the use of ChatGPT or other dialogic systems, AI is present in every aspect. As we can understand, this transformation applies to many areas, including education. The systematic use of technology from a young age has changed the way students approach and understand knowledge. Therefore, educational approaches need to follow the trends of modern times by adapting to the new data considering various dimensions such as customised educational content, teacher/educator training and e-learning, innovative and interactive teaching methods, technology-enhanced assessment, and communication channels between students and educators.”
THE CIVICS would like to thank Dr. Dora Katsamori for her time and valuable insights!