Berlin welcomes young leaders in climate action
After a year of collaborating virtually, our team invited the Young Climate Professionals 22/23 from across Europe to attend the YCP Campus at the venue Liane in Berlin from March 31st to April 2nd. The focus of the event was exploring sustainability in urban areas and the role of cities in climate change.
The first day of the event kicked off with a talk from Felix Creutzig, PhD, of the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change. He discussed the importance of a more human-centred approach to urban development, emphasizing the need for small-knitted communities. Participants also had an infographics workshop with Bernd Riedel from Ellery Studio, learning how to visualize climate-related topics effectively.
The second day featured a session on sustainable water management with Svenja Kriegebaum from Berliner Regenwasseragentur. Participants also had the chance to visit the floating university, an innovative cultural space and learning site for urban practices in the rainwater retention pool of the former Berlin-Tempelhof airport.
On Saturday, participants presented their project ideas through individual posters in the Gallery Walk. External guests from BildungsCent were also invited to share their expertise on sustainability education and cast their votes for the most feasible project with a positive impact on green literacy in the respective communities. The mini grant winners are Anita Dangova from Bulgaria with her 10-episode vlog on ‘Digital Climate’, Erikas Marcinkevičius from Lithuania with his ‘Fashion Portal’ events, and Sara Šariri from Croatia with her toolkit to enhance ‘Understanding Microplastics in our Water.’
The event was a success, and THE CIVICS would like to express gratitude to the facilitators and moderators Gitanjali Schmelcher and Katharina Müller who helped guide the YCP Campus. The event was organized in cooperation with partners Sofia Platform Foundation and Znanje na djelu/Wissen am Werk, with super delicious, seasonal, organic, and vegan catering provided by Goldmund.