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THE CIVICS at the European Forum Alpbach 2023

Every year the European Forum Alpbach (EFA) brings together global leaders from science, politics, business, civil society, arts, and culture, alongside 600 young scholarship holders from around the world. The 2023 edition of the Forum took place from the 19th of August to the 2nd of September in the Austrian Alps, fostering impactful discussions and collaboration on global megatrends and challenges.

Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić as a member of the European Forum Alpbach Foundation Board participated in the Forum as a speaker and facilitator in a range of formats and on topics, such as the “Geopolitical Awakening of Central and Eastern Europe” (together with Katarzyna Pisarska, Chairwoman of the European Academy of Diplomacy, Yana Barinova, Curator, ERSTE Foundation, Ivan Krastev, Permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, and Leszek Jażdżewski, Editor-in-chief Liberté!, while the panel was moderated by Jan Karol Farfal (Club Alpbach Poland).

Caroline was hosted on Der Pragmaticus podcast and she gave a statement on innovation in Europe for Sheconomy.

Together with Visegrad Insight and EFA, THE CIVICS organized a three-day Lab on “Anticipating and counteracting disruptions of democracy”. The Lab brought together brilliant individuals from different backgrounds to discuss and brainstorm how global megatrends such as migration will shape the future of civic education across Europe, using foresight methodology. The Lab was supported by the European Forum AlpbachNECEGerman Marshall Fund of the United States, and USAID.

Finally, Louisa Slavkova was invited to moderate a PITCH: EUROPE – WHO IS THE FUTURE? The pitch emerged from the “Youth as Key for Democratic Renewal” Lab, initiated and funded by the ERSTE Foundation.

The programme is funded by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb).
Please find further information on the programme here.

Author Peter Schmitz

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